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MRP - We Are The Experts in Material Requirements Planning!!

Looking to improve your company’s materials management processes? Reduce shortages and improve inventory turns? We have over 100 years of outstanding success implementing material requirements planning processes. Let us identify solutions to improve inventory accuracy, reduce shortages and increase on-time shipments! We can deliver employee training to reduce waste, streamline operations and give your employees a better understanding of materials management.

Inventory Management
"Boot Camp"
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Intro to Supply
Chain Management
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"Boot Camp"
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Critical Thinking
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Job Boss Consulting

Need to get more out of your Job Boss System? Give us a call! We special in small to medium size companies and can help you get the most out of your Job Boss system! Working with your managers and employees, we will correct data and parameters so that you get the most from your system. We'll review reports and information to identify where you need to make changes to job assignments and implement measurements. We will identify the critical success factors your company requires and implement processes and reporting to gather vital information. Your employees will gain a better understanding of the system to simplify work flow, improve quality, reduce behind schedule and lower inventories.

Phone (316) 655-8748 or email us!

Cost Management

We can help reduce your manufacturing costs. We have a highly successful track record in identifying cost reduction opportunities and implementing solutions. We have the skills to perform a detailed review and analysis of your processes and information to identify and implement cost reductions. We will audit and analyze current cost structures and provide recommendations to improve your bottom line.

Supply Chain Management & Offshore Sourcing

Need help setting up an overseas supply chain? We have many years success implementing overseas supply chains. We have many connections to quality suppliers in Taiwan and China. We understand and can implement the ordering processes, freight consolidation, shipping and customs processes to help you acquire overseas products from reliable suppliers.

Warehouse Management

We can establish third party logistics to help reduce your warehouse management costs. We have experienced professionals to help streamline your inventory management and movement to reduce costs and improve shipping performance. We can provide expertise in cross docking, material storage, packaging, and transportation, material handling to reduce your material storage and movement efforts.

Lean Consulting

We can support your efforts to achieve higher levels of operational performance through implementing lean processes. We can rapidly review your operation to identify waste and change your processes to reduce cost and improve operations and material performance. We have the EXPERIENCE to help you reduce cost and improve shipping performance. Need to get higher results from your ERP / MRP implementation? Contact us! We have many years experience implementing materials management systems and processes and can help you gain full benefit of your ERP/MRP software. We'll guide you to make the organization, process and systems changes necessary to get full benefit from your ERP software.

Questions or Comments: Contact us! or phone (316) 655-8748
Manufacturing Education and Systems, Inc. - copyright 2008